Our ambitious and exciting agenda will deliver a decade of action towards net zero emissions, reducing waste and building climate-resilient communities across Victoria.

SV2030 is our big picture. It sets our role, our vision, and how we will get there. We play a pivotal role in the Victorian Government, industry and the community to transition our state to a circular climate-resilient economy.

Achieving SV2030 involves us working together – our future depends on it.

Our vision

Our vision is simple – to accelerate the transition to a circular economy powered by clean energy. Our vision will see:

More jobs in the clean energy and waste recovery sectors.

More homes sharing renewable energy.

An increase in net zero carbon homes and schools.

Improved household waste sorting and organics composting.

More products manufactured from recycled materials.

Communities embracing re-use and repair facilities.

Our emissions and waste intelligence informing public policy.

Our role for the next decade

We are a delivery agency of the Victoria State Government.

We develop and deliver sustainable development programs that help deliver ambitious emissions and waste reduction targets for 2030, and onwards to net zero emissions by 2050.

In simple terms, these programs will continue to shift Victoria away from a "buy, use, dispose" culture, known as a linear economy, to an "avoid, minimise, reduce, reuse" culture, known as a circular economy.

Where are we today?

Victoria moves within a recycling economy, where we have become much better at reducing waste and energy. We’re well on our way to adopting circular principles that keep more materials in the economy for longer, and to use clean energy sources.

We employ the brightest minds to steer these programs. We develop partnerships with government departments, councils, businesses, schools, universities, and the wider community to enable this shift to the circular economy.

Sustainability Victoria will continue to bring all these parties together through the SV2030 Decade of Action vision – the resilience and the future of our state depends on it.

We are working towards the Victorian Government's 2030 targets

We’re working with other Victorian Government agencies to contribute to the following targets:

Measuring our impact

These impact areas and the data we collect for each of them contributes to reaching the Victorian Government targets for 2030.

Jobs and investments

in Victoria underpinned by circular, climate resilient and clean economic principles.

Maximise value of resources

Climate resilient

and healthy Victorian communities.

Reduce carbon emissions

by Victorian businesses, organisations and communities.

Our contributions also align to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs) which are part of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.

How we will get there

We are starting up, speeding up and scaling up our investment in 3 focus areas to achieve Victoria's 2030 emissions and waste targets.

Working together to achieve the vision

By working with industry, government and communities, our combined efforts accelerate us towards our vision – reduced emissions, reduced waste, economic growth and climate resilient communities.

We need all Victorians on board to help achieve our vision.

When we work together, we can drive down emissions towards zero net levels and reduce waste because everyone deserves a cleaner environment now and for decades to come.

Visit the Sustainability Victoria website